
Postal Standards

Did anyone know that the minimum size for postcard was 3.5'x5'? I didn't.
Did I mention that the rsvp's I designed were postcard style and were 3.5'x4.5'? Shit.
Did I forget to tell you that before it occured to me to go to the post office and make sure that the rsvp's could be mailed I already stuffed, stamped, addressed, and sealed all the invitations? Yeahhhh.

Needless to say that I was in store for a fun filled Saturday which consisted of:
  1. Post Office Debacle
  2. Buying small envelopes for rsvps
  3. Going home and having a meltdown
  4. Opening all the sealed envelope
  5. Removing all parts of invitation
  6. Seperating all parts into piles
  7. Cutting 3 stamps (totaling 81 cents) off the envelopes
  8. Cutting the stamps off of the rsvps
  9. Printing 150 new rsvps
  10. Putting the new rsvps together
  11. Gluing 3 stamps (totaling 81 cents) on new envelopes
  12. Gluing stamps on the new rsvps
  13. Printing off new labels
  14. Putting new labels on both then invite and rsvp envelopes
  15. Restuffing all the invitation envelopes
  16. Sealing all invitation envelopes
  17. Passing out from exhaustion

I know you must be jealous of the fabulous Saturday I had. Thankfully, after witnessing my oh-so-unclassy meltdown,R took it upon himself to do the most tedious part of the process: cutting out all the stamps. He was truly amazing yesterday and I can't thank him enough. I'd also like to thank my brother for helping as well as my sister, who was gracious enough to take time out of her busy schedule. I never realized how busy you could be at 13... NOT.

Alright so, I SOLEMNLY SWEAR to mail out the invitations TOMORROW! And of course, put up pictures.

As for now... one hour left of work (working on Sundays might be worse than working on mondays) and then its off to Geneva-on-the-lake for a family picnic on R's side, and lots of nieces+one nephew running around like hellians. I hope they're grilling hotdogs :)


Janine / Being Brazen said...

That sounds like a busy Saturday.

Hope you get them all mailed.


Meg said...

You poor thing!! That's tragic. I thought you could mail anything. Like stick a stamp on a baseball and scrawl an address on it - insert magic - it would get delivered. Way to rally!!